Pastor Steven Becker • February 14, 2025

Getting The Most Out Of Your Bible

Renewing Your Love

  Since the title of this blog is “One Great Truth”, I prayed and decided to begin where truth lies. We live in a society that teaches that you can find your own truth, live a truth that agrees with your thinking, and presents truth as a subjective idea. Truth is ready to be found, but you have to look in the right place. This may sound obvious, but if you are looking for food, then you have to look where food is. Food isn’t on top of your roof or under your car. You may laugh, but our world is looking for spiritual food, but they’re looking in empty cupboards. God’s people have no excuse with access to the Bible being at our fingertips.

My Greatest Joy


  One of the greatest joys in serving Jesus in the ministry is helping people in their walk with the Lord. There will always be a cantankerous bunch, but I believe that the vast majority have a sincere desire to know the Lord more. Helping people in that journey fills my cup more than I could describe. III John 4 makes this clear – “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.”

The First Steps


  When a new convert comes to our church, one of the very first things we do is make sure that they have a Bible (a King James Bible I might add). I always advise new converts the same way, “Get in the Bible and get into church every chance you can. Your growth will be hinged upon how you do those two actions”.

The Big Problem


  The primary reason that churches hardly look like churches in modern America (in my opinion) is because people have become Bible illiterate. Bibles have to be dumbed down just to get people to want to read them.

  “It’s just too complicated and I get bored”, some might contend. Do you know who the Bible is boring to? Non-Bible students. Ask anyone who is a Bible student if the Bible is boring and I promise you that their answer will be quite different.

“The Bible is only boring to non-Bible students.”

A Challenge


Barna has done several studies on the trends of our culture and their relationship with the Bible. They have found in their surveys that the average American home has 4.4 Bibles in it. These findings are largely discouraging. Many have a heart to know God more through His Word, but few set aside the time to do so.

  If your heart needs a revival towards the Scriptures, may I challenge you to READ & PRAY through Psalm 119. Here are a few examples of the heart of the psalmist towards the Word of God-

  Psalm 119:97 – “O how love I thy law!”


  Psalm 119:103 – “How sweet are thy words unto my taste!”


  Psalm 119:113 – “I hate vain thoughts: but thy law do I love.”


  Psalm 119:127 – “Therefore I love thy commandments above gold;”

A Prayer


  “Lord, renew my love for your Word as I read it. Guide me by your Spirit to see and understand the truth that you have for me. I am in need of truth, and I believe you have given it to me by your Word. Forgive my lack of faith and help me to grow in You as I grow in your Book. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

By Pastor Steven Becker February 9, 2025
“Another blogger? Really?” Maybe that is a negative way to begin this journey, but those were my thoughts when I first considered starting this journey. So, I’ll answer the question for you that I had for myself when praying about this endeavor. So, why start a blog? 1. Practice makes perfect. I was taught that “practice makes perfect” as a child, and after writing three books, I’ve learned that writing is a developed skill. This skill is one that is a burden on my heart and this blog is the product of that desire. 2. Others. This was the mission of our Saviour. His mission statement is found in Luke 19:10 – “For the Son of man came to seek and to save that which was lost.” If this was His mission, then this should be our mission. God has blessed me beyond measure, and if God can use me to be a blessing to another life, then that will be my mission, too. 3. Every generation needs its own voice. I’ve received counsel on this subject, because I know that there is nothing new that I can bring to the table. This is a challenge for me when I think about writing. “But there are already so many books from better men than me on that subject”, is a thought I’ve had many times. Genesis 26 has spoken to me often on this subject. Isaac had to dig the wells of his father again. Abraham fought some battles in his day, but Isaac had to preserve the wells his father dug and fight for them in his generation. I’m not the voice of this generation by any stretch, but I can be a voice. 4. I’m not busy enough. Sarcasm doesn’t translate as well on paper, but here is my leap. This isn’t just “something to do” for myself. My heart will be committed to these projects. I plan to write on a variety of topics, helps, and honestly, I don’t know how the Lord will lead in the time to come, but this is more than a time filler on my list for each week. 5. Jesus must be lifted up. Jesus said in John 12:32, “ And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me. ” The if in that verse is the variable. Will we lift Him up? Who will lift Him up? Many can, but they don’t. There are many times I could have, but haven’t. With the false doctrine, false information, and wordly wisdom circulating in our culture, we need any and all voices that can lift up Jesus to do so. Closing thoughts for this journey… WHAT I PLAN To post weekly. Every Friday. To write on a variety of topics. To be heavy on Bible topics and quiet (maybe not silent) on current trends and philosophical opinions. To use Scripture and wise counsel to be the backbone of this blog. To grow in this journey. WHAT I KNOW I don’t know it all. There are many other great writers. My generation needs more voices for Christ. I have a heart to write. People are searching for truth. God is still at work. WHAT I DON’T KNOW How the Lord will lead me to write. Who will read. How it will bless. WHAT I ASK Read what you can. Ponder as the Lord leads. Comment. WHAT I PRAY “Lord, you know my heart. More importantly, you know the needs in our land and across the world that You created. If I can be a voice for You, may it be Your name that is magnified. I want to be a blessing, and I honestly expect nothing in return aside from others getting help in their walk with You and the Word of God. Use this blog for eternity. In Jesus’ name, I pray this. Amen.”
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